
Direct Student/Client Support Topics:

Self Awareness:

Career Assessments:

  1.  Learning Strategies and Career Success – Why Learning Strategies Matter

    1. Taking Information In  – Information Gathering and Processing

    2. Thinking About Information – Mental Processing

    3. Processing Information Together – Collaborative Learning

Education and Career Research:

  • Career Success Starts Now Now Why Just Passing Classes is NOT Enough

  • Pursuing a Passion? Consider the Cost – Are You Willing and Able to Give it What It Takes to Succeed?

Job Search Skills:

  • Social Media & Career Success  by Maintaining a Positive Online Presence (Social Networking, Photos & Videos, Email, Websites, Blogging and “Personal Branding”)

Developing Life and Coping Skills for Success:

  • Unfamiliar Worlds  Navigating New Worlds and Adjusting to New Environments (College, Work, Military, New Cultures, and Beyond)

Professional Development for Education and Career Professionals:

  • Shedding Light on Hidden Barriers  Helping Those in Career Transition Holistically: Their Success Depends on Identifying All Barriers