How to Get

Your Dream Career

Workshop:  How to Get Your Dream Career:  Identifying Pathways to Your Dream Job

  • Overview:

This workshop will introduce participants to a four-phase process for finding and achieving their dream career. Participants will be able to identify four different types of jobs that will prepare them to achieve that dream. They will also receive tips for what to do when their dream job does not yet exist. They will receive resources for researching and preparing for potential entry-level and transition jobs.  

  • Learning Outcomes:

         Participants will:

  • Discover the process of finding a dream job

  • Identify the four phases of finding their dream job

  • Identify four types of jobs to pursue based their goals

  • Receive tips for when their dream job does not yet exist

  • Identify resources for researching entry-level and transition jobs

  • Identify resources for researching and preparing for their dream job

  • Helpful Links: