Work and Career Restarts

Workshop:  Work and Career RestartsDeveloping a Plan to Get Back into the Workplace

  • Overview:

For those out of the workforce for six months or more, reentering can be daunting. As the work landscape often changes, this can be particularly true for stay-at-home parents, caregivers, recent college grads, long-term unemployed, self-employed, on medical leave, veterans, and retirees. This workshop empowers participants to recognize the evolving job market and provides tailored support to identify their unique needs. By leveraging resources, attendees gain the tools and strategies needed to craft a personalized action plan to secure meaningful employment within a realistic time frame.

  • Learning Outcomes:

         Participants will be able to:

  • Identify and articulate why they have a gap in employment

    1. Clarify short-term and long-term goals

    2. Identify barriers to achieving those goals

    3. Receive resources to assist in achieving their goals

    4. Develop a personalized action plan for obtaining meaningful work

  • Helpful Links: