Shedding Light on Hidden Barriers
Workshop: Shedding Light on Hidden Barriers – Helping Those in Career Transition Holistically: Their Success Depends on Identifying All Barriers
Working with all adults, especially those in career transition, requires going beyond just providing instruction and job search support. The unemployed often also face many cognitive and psycho/social challenges as well. The presenter has developed several resources that facilitate adults’ transitions by helping them identify and address their complex needs.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify clients’ needs within three categories: Information, Resources, and Support
Determine which barriers the service provider can address, and which barriers to refer to other agencies/institutions/professionals for help
Access resources for cognitive and psycho/social barriers
Identify clients’ needs within three categories: Information, Resources, and Support
Determine which barriers the service provider can address, and which barriers to refer to other agencies/institutions/professionals for help
Access resources for cognitive and psycho/social barriers
Workshop Presenter:
PowerPoint File
Related Links:
Resources for professionals:
Unemployment and Mental Health: Shoring Up Our Clients for the Long Haul
Work and Unemployment in the Time of COVID-19: Mental Health and Work-Based Implications
The Closing of the Jobs Gap: A Decade of Recession and Recovery
Navigating Online Career Exploration and Planning Tools: A Skills Gap Roadmap for Case Managers
Back to College: California’s 4 Million Adults with Some College But No Degree
State of California Dept. of Ed.- Resources for Career Counseling
Navigating Disrupted Careers with Proven Transition Writing Tools: Guide for Career Professionals
Understanding and Grief in the Context of Job Loss & Lifestyle Adjustment
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Faith-based Resources:
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