When Skills are
No Longer in Demand
Workshop: When Skills are No Longer in Demand: What Should You Do When You See the Warning Signs?
The world is in a state of constant change and it affects people’s jobs. Some people may discover at mid-career or pre-retirement age that their careers and/or the skills they have developed over time are no longer in demand. Should they try to find other employment, they will discover limited prospects with their current skill-set. This can be scary, and most adults do not know how to respond. Participants will discover options, resources and activities that can help them navigate this transition in their lives, and make decisions about what to do next.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
Understand that the world is in a constant state of rapid change which affects demand for their skill set
Identify what emotional responses they are experiencing
Identify some coping strategies for dealing with emotional reactions
Recognize helpful responses for keeping jobs during uncertain times
Define who is most at risk for having challenges transitioning into new employment
Identify several common options to consider
Narrow their list of options
Research appropriate options to consider
Identify appropriate sources of information for options exploration
Identify appropriate skilled professionals who can help them with their decision-making process
Workshop Presenter:
Workshop Downloads:
Career One-Stop
Information Flyer
Garden Grove
Unemployment Guide for Part-Time Faculty
CCDA Conference Presentation (5/2019)
Presentation PowerPoint file
Resources for the Unemployed
Job Search Websites
When Skills are No Longer in Demand — College Professors & Staff
Locus of Control (personal responsibility)
Needs vs Wants
Related Resources
Related Videos:
Technology is replacing jobs. Are you ready? (Slope of the Curve)
FutureWork: The Model of The Future (apprenticeship training)Linotype and letterpress printing – (Once state of the art technology requiring highly skilled trades workers)
Movie Clip: “The Sixth Sense (illustration of a paradigm shift)
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