Managing Conflicting Priorities
Workshop: Managing Conflicting Priorities - School, Social Life, Work
Making Decisions About What is Important - And What is Not
Participants will learn how to identify which factors should be considered in determining priorities. Participants will receive tools to help them to clarify and rank their priorities, and what sacrifices they are willing to make to maintain those priorities. Participants will also receive tools to help them identify their short-term and long-term priorities, and for ensuring that their goals and priorities are in alignment.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
Understand what priorities are
Know know what factors should be taken into account when determining their priorities
Be able to recognize the difference between a "want" and a "need"
Know how to address conflicts that result from conflicts in rules
Be able to identify their priorities
Be able to identify what they are willing to sacrifice in order to maintain their priorities
Be able to identify whether or not their goals and priorities are in alignment
Know how they should rank their priorities according to their unique life situation
Workshop Presenter:
Priorities (Priority Clarification)
External Links
(recognize the need to switch priorities)
Boundaries and Culture
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Related Books:
Related Videos:
Additional Resource Links (online assessments)
Wellbeing Finder - The 5 Essential Elements: Career, Social, Financial, Physical, Community:
Values In Action - Identifying Character Strengths
Career Decision-Making Difficulties Assessment -- Why are you having difficulty deciding?