Educational Choices

You Won’t Regret Later

Workshop: Educational Choices You Won’t Regret Later:  What You Need to Know and Do To Ensure You are Making Wise Decisions about Your Education

  • Overview:

Participants learn about what they need to know and do to make effective education choices so they can ensure that their long-term education and career goals are achieved. They will learn about how formal and informal education works, how it relates to careers and labor market trends, and what information they need to consider when making decisions regarding what type and how much education they need to achieve their goals.  

  • Learning Outcomes:

         Participants Will:

  • Identify Why They Need to Do to Make Good Decisions

  • Identify What Activities Contribute to Good Decisions

  • Register How Today’s World Impacts Education Choices

  • Learn How to Research Career Options

  • Learn to Research Education Options

  • Acquire Tools for Researching Education Options

  • Recognize Appropriate Academic Preparation Activities

  • Recognize Appropriate Career Preparation Activities

  • Identify Effective Job Search Strategies

  • Education Research Links

  • Career Research Links

  • Other Related Resources:

  • Videos Related to Making Educational Choices

  • Related Video Clips:

  • Related Books:

  • Related Articles:​

  • Article: “Alumna Sues College”